Okay, I’ve finally posted all my photos from the road. Well, not all my photos, but 158 of them. Three quick notes: The photos at the induction ceremony kinda suck; I was at least a Canadian Football League field and three Dieter Brocks away from the stage. I got a little carried away with the [...]
Tag Archive for ‘hall_of_fame’ 
Road Trip to Cooperstown: Raleigh to Scranton
The original plan called for Jeff to join me on my jaunt to Cooperstown, but circumstances beyond anyone’s control made that impossible, so instead I stuck around a little longer on Friday and we went to the State Farmer’s Market in Raleigh for an early lunch. Although this put me about 6 hours behind schedule, [...]
Cooperstown Photos
Sorry for the poor quality on some of these. The place was absolutely insane and I had a difficult time getting good shots. Hopefully this at least gives you some idea… Congratulations, Tony, on your well-deserved induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame!
Road Trip to Cooperstown: Leaving San Diego
After much preparation, I’m finally ready to go. I’ve got enough supplies to live out of my car for the next 10 or so days. Clothes, books, CDs, food and water. The plan is to leave San Diego a few ticks before the crack o’ dawn and get to Albuquerque in time for the Isotopes’ [...]
Left at Albuquerque
I’m staring at a blank screen, trying to think of things to say about Tuesday night’s loss (box score) that you don’t already know. “It sucked” doesn’t qualify, but that’s all I’ve got. On another note, we’re still brainstorming ideas for a Hall of Fame meetup. Keep the chatter going. Finally, I’m driving from San [...]
Hall of Fame Plans?
With Tony Gwynn’s induction into the Hall of Fame less than a month away, now might be a good time to revisit plans to meet up at Cooperstown. Here’s what I’m doing; how about you?
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