My degree is in English (hey, it’s my native tongue), but I minored in philosophy. I finished six units shy of a double major. Then, just before my senior year, my head exploded. We’re speaking in metaphors here. I’m okay, thanks for asking. Philosophy isn’t without its uses. As a discipline, it can be a [...]
Tag Archive for ‘delmon_young’ 
Do You Know the Way to Tampa Bay?
Burt Bacharach never wrote a song about Tampa, of course, but “What’s New, Pussycat?” might work for the Devil Rays as a team. There is some serious young talent down there: B.J. Upton, Carl Crawford, the troubled Elijah Dukes, Delmon Young, Scott Kazmir, James Shields, Raul Casanova. Six Years o’ Blogging Happy Anniversary to me. [...]
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