So, fourth place was fun for a few hours…
Tag Archive for ‘dave roberts’ 
Mailbag: Gwynn and the Dodgers
Today’s letter comes from Brian C., who writes: Just read that the Dodgers signed Tony Gwynn Jr. to a contract and it made me barf a bit in my mouth. Your reaction? Well, that could be a medical condition. You might want to see a doctor. Oh, the signing… my bad. Of course, why would [...]
Friday Links (22 Oct 10)
I dreamed of Jeff Reardon. We were discussing the nature of regret. I was walking through a park with a girl I once knew. We held hands as we walked and then kissed. I woke up and made coffee, only I wasn’t awake and I wasn’t making coffee. Dreams are confusing. Let’s just do links [...]
Friday Links (8 Oct 10)
I’m still working on my season wrapup. Every time I sit down to write, it comes out “lkjasdf” or “qweiopu” or even “)*(#@%)*#$!!!” I do have some thoughts, but I’m finding it difficult to articulate them. Meanwhile, we’ve got lots o’ links…
Friday Links (7 May 10)
You cannot stop them, you can only hope to contain them… Friday Links… Skip It (Watson Files). Dan Watson gives us the lowdown on several Padres prospects, including right-handers Simon Castro and Alexis Lara, as well as shortstop Jonathan Galvez. Incidentally, only two players in the entire organization (Adrian Gonzalez and Vincent Belnome) have drawn [...]
Padres Guilty of Possession… Sole Possession
I love small samples. We can’t glean much from 15 games, but at least we can say the Padres are in first place all by their lonesome little selves. That’s a nice place to be. A guy could get comfortable there. Break out the deck chairs and stupid hats. Never mind. It’s too early to [...]
Friday Links (5 Feb 10)
You’ll have to supply your own snappy intro today… The Case for Mark Loretta’s Hall of Fame Enshrinement (Gaslamp Ball). This is hilarious, although I’m not sure that’s its intent. Willie Mays, at 78, Decides to Tell His Story (New York Times). One of the game’s legends has a biography coming out soon. [h/t Didi] [...]
Me Elsewhere: Tough-Luck Pitchers
As threatened, postings will occur more frequently this year. If you’re looking for the Jon Garland thread, it’s over here. Meanwhile, my latest is up at Hardball Times. It’s all about pitchers who ended up with losing records despite pitching very well. Dave Roberts’ epic 1971 campaign with the Padres tops the list. Five times [...]
Two Fewer Original Padres
While the Padres prepare to celebrate their 40th anniversary in MLB, two members of that original team have died within the span of a week. First, left-hander Dave Roberts died of lung cancer [h/t Baseball Musings via Didi] at age 64 on January 8; then skipper Preston Gomez died at age 85 on January 13. [...]
Friday Links (13 Oct 06)
The day job is completely kicking my butt right now, so just a few links for you today without much commentary. Over at Padres RunDown, Peter’s posted the first few installments of his Top 25 Padres Minor League Players: 21-25, 16-20, 11-15, and 6-10. Eight years later, opportunity knocks for Hoffman (ESPN). Nice piece by [...]
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