Nice outing by Cory Luebke on Monday night at Coors Field, eh? Luebke and Ernesto Frieri combined to spin the 25th one-hitter in Padres history. The only blemish was a two-run homer to dead center off the bat of Rockies second baseman Mark Ellis. Luebke fell behind in the count, 3-1, and then grooved a [...]
Tag Archive for ‘bruce hurst’ 
How Far Is Forever?
Got a late start out of Vegas, stopped for gas in Mesquite. Made another stop in St. George, Utah, which is named after a fellow named Smith (St. Ozzie didn’t have the same ring to it) and not an actual saint. The Virgin River flows alongside I-15, and in the distance from St. George, a [...]
THT Season Preview, Seamheads Historical League
Couple things. First off, I’m pleased to announce that The Hardball Times Season Preview 2009 is now available (details from David Gassko, our editor). I contributed the chapter on the Padres. Buy the book. It rocks. And it’ll give you something to read while you’re waiting for my book. Second, the Seamheads Historical League has [...]
Links for 23 Jan 09
First off, thanks for the excellent discussion on fan disillusionment. You’ve helped me see the problem in new ways, and I’ve got additional thoughts that I’ll share as soon as they make sense. It’ll probably come in the form of a thought exercise — sort of along the lines of Kobayashi Maru. Until then, we’ve [...]
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