I am pleased to announce that the Ducksnorts 2008 Baseball Annual is now available as a hard copy or a PDF download. Not ready to commit? Try some linky goodness: View the table of contents Download a free PDF of excerpts Read reviews of the 2007 Annual Read an interview of me at Hardball Times [...]
Tag Archive for ‘book’ 
Free Download: Excerpts from Ducksnorts 2008 Baseball Annual
Okay, I said there wouldn’t be any more updates about the book until it hit the virtual bookshelves, but today I’m making a brief exception. The 28-page free download Excerpts from Ducksnorts 2008 Baseball Annual is now available: Download Excerpts from Ducksnorts 2008 Baseball Annual (PDF, 143k) And for those who may have missed it [...]
More Than You Ever Wanted to Know About the Ducksnorts 2008 Baseball Annual, and Then Some
Sit down and get comfy. Like, real comfy. Okay, not that comfy — put on a robe or something, will ya? With luck, this is the last update I’ll provide on the Ducksnorts 2008 Baseball Annual that doesn’t end with the phrase, “go buy it.” I’m expecting to deliver the manuscript to the publisher on [...]
Oooh, Shiny Book Cover
I swear I’m not turning Ducksnorts into a photo blog, but I’m pretty psyched about this because it means I can almost see light at the end of the tunnel. When will the book be done? Well, when it’s done. I’m shooting for the first or second week of February. I think this is realistic [...]
Ducksnorts 2008 Baseball Annual Preliminary Outline
by Geoff Young on Oct 10, 2007 (30) Comments
So this has been in the works for a while. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Also, if you’re interested in reviewing chapters, drop me a line and I’ll get you added to our super secret list. 2007 in Review — Brief examination of past season at big-league level: Roster construction (distribution of [...]