I finally made it to a SABR convention, and was it ever worth the wait. This year’s convention took place in Long Beach, which meant that I could attend with relative ease (having to catch a plane is usually a deal-breaker for me, but a two-hour drive is no problem).
Tag Archive for ‘bloggers’ 
Do Bloggers Belong in the Press Box?
I’ve hesitated to run this because I find the whole “bloggers talking about bloggers” thing a bit esoteric, but people keep asking me my opinion, so here goes nothing… A while back, when I had the opportunity to chat with Padres CEO Sandy Alderson, he mentioned that he wouldn’t be against bringing bloggers into the [...]
One Way Teams Can Connect with Fans
In the middle of April, something pretty cool happened about 100 miles north of San Diego: The Dodgers invited several people who blog about the team to hang out in a luxury suite with staffers during a game. Reaching out to folks who talk about them constantly — almost obsessively — in a public forum [...]
OT: San Diego Blogger MeetUp
One of my goals for Ducksnorts in 2008 is to become more involved in the community. Not just the baseball community, where we’ve been active over the past several years, but right here in San Diego as well. That’s why I’m donating a portion of the proceeds from book sales this year to the San [...]
Monthly Roundtable: May 2007 (Part 2)
Last month we introduced a monthly roundtable in which several Padres bloggers offered their thoughts on the team. The response was so positive that we’re doing it a second time. (Part 1 is here.) Participants this month include Anthony Trifiletti (Friar Watch), Peter Friberg (various; currently covering prospects here at Ducksnorts under the title “Padres [...]
Monthly Roundtable: May 2007 (Part 1)
Last month we introduced a monthly roundtable in which several Padres bloggers offered their thoughts on the team. The response was so positive that we’re doing it a second time. Participants this month include Anthony Trifiletti (Friar Watch), Peter Friberg (various; currently covering prospects here at Ducksnorts under the title “Padres Prospect Report”), Jim Higgins [...]
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