Category Archive for ‘Notes and Links’ rss

Thursday Links (14 Oct 10)

Go crazy…

Friday Links (8 Oct 10)

I’m still working on my season wrapup. Every time I sit down to write, it comes out “lkjasdf” or “qweiopu” or even “)*(#@%)*#$!!!” I do have some thoughts, but I’m finding it difficult to articulate them. Meanwhile, we’ve got lots o’ links…

Me, Elsewhere: Game 162

My latest at Hardball Times offers a real-time accounting of the Padres’ final game in 2010. I would have written a better ending, but non-fiction is unforgiving that way. Assuming I can get my act together, I’ll post some final thoughts on the season later in the week and lay out plans for the coming [...]

Friday Links (1 Oct 10)

While we’re all waiting for a miracle or three, here are your links…

Tuesday Links (28 Sep 10)

I hate writing the intros to these things. The pressure to say something witty is enormous and I always fall short. Then again, in so doing, I remove my own burden. I feel better already…

Friday Links (24 Sep 10)

No airplane metaphors today, just links… Home Team Monday (Inside the Padres). From Tom Krasovic: “At some point, the Padres have to hit better than they have over the last few weeks, don’t they?” As Hemingway would say, “Isn’t it pretty to think so?” Hairston Jr.’s season ends with stress fracture ( This is a [...]

Me, Elsewhere: Chatting with FanGraphs

Carson Cistulli was kind enough to have me on his FanGraphs Audio radio programme. I never know how these things come off and can judge solely on whether we had fun chatting. We had fun chatting. Lots of fun. Maybe too much fun. What did we discuss? I will steal from my gracious host: The [...]

Me, Elsewhere: No Ausmus, No Ashby, No Thanks

My latest at Hardball Times continues our 1987 redraft with the benefit of hindsight. This installment covers picks 17 through 24. Aside from the amusing fact that in 2000, the Toronto Blue Jays would have been better off with almost anyone in their rotation other than Chris Carpenter and Roy Halladay, there are a couple [...]

Saturday Links (18 Sep 10)

When the world is running down, you make the best of what’s still around…

Wednesday Links (15 Sep 10)

What day is it even? Here, have some links while I’m trying to get my act together…