Monday marked the 7-year anniversary of Ducksnorts. We kicked things off here back in 1997 with a look at the Hideki Irabu fiasco. The writing is probably a bit more heavy-handed than I’d feel comfortable with these days but overall I think it was a worthy first effort. It got me started at least. And [...]
Category Archive for ‘Cal League Tour’ 
Cal League Tour 2004: Phase IV (continued)
Another great weekend of baseball at Petco, eh? Add Carl Pavano and Juan Pierre to the list of guys who like hitting here. Anyway, we never did finish up our last phase of the Ducksnorts/Syntax of Things Cal League Tour 2004. So without further ado… The story so far… Ducksnorts Cal League Tour 2004: Phase [...]
Cal League Tour 2004: Phase IV
By now we had become intimately familiar with the drive up I-5 and SR-99, and its associated sights, sounds, and smells (helpful hint: don’t stop at the McDonald’s in McFarland). Our Saturday night game would be at Bakersfield, to watch the appropriately named Blaze take on the visiting San Jose Giants. The story so far… [...]
Cal League Tour 2004: Phase III — continued
Remember to vote for Ducksnorts in the World Series of Blogs! After convincing the front desk that we did not, in fact, spend $20 at the bar Saturday night and shouldn’t be charged for someone else’s drinks, we headed off to China Buffet. Oh yeah, sjfanboy set us up real good. It lacked the Mongolian [...]
Cal League Tour 2004: Phase III
You may have noticed that Ducksnorts won the NL West in the World Series of Blogs. To all of you who got me to the NL finals, I say thanks. Now I need your help again. We’re getting spanked pretty hard by the Cardinals (’96 flashback, anyone?), so spread the word and help get Ducksnorts [...]
Cal League Tour 2004: Phase II
Before we get started, I’d just like to extend my sympathies to the family of Doug Pappas. If you haven’t heard by now, Doug passed away unexpectedly this weekend. I knew Doug only by his work and his reputation. From those who knew him personally, I understand that we’ve lost not only a great talent [...]
Cal League Tour 2004: Phase I
This season, my buddy Jeff and I have taken it upon ourselves to visit every park in the California League. We’re old and somewhat responsible these days, so the plan is to hit two towns a weekend, one weekend a month through August. The first phase of our journey saw us visit Lake Elsinore and [...]
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