My latest at Hardball Times dusts off an old Bill James toy that attempts to show what a hitter’s output might look like recast as a pitching line. For example, if we take Adrian Gonzalez’s 2009 season, we get the following pitching line (see the article for methodology): IP H R ER BB SO ERA [...]
Author Archives 
Junior’s Revamped Swing and Other Tales of Derring-Do
In which the author recounts the events of Sunday afternoon’s baseball game between the Cleveland Indians and the San Diego Padres using only his bare hands and a plethora of bullet points… Chris Young looked like Chris Young. Fastball in the high-80s, everything up, lots of pitches. He needed 29 to make it through the [...]
I Think I’m In Love
No, not the Eddie Money song. In fact, this costs no money. Our friends at Seamheads mentioned something called the National Pastime Almanac the other day. According to the web site, “The National Pastime Almanac is a Baseball Encyclopedia with statistics, streaks, rankings, records, awards, etc. from 1876 through 2009, regular and post season.” Uh, [...]
IVIE 2010: Last Call for Projections
It’s time to start wrapping up our community projections. We’ve got about 20-25 guesses for most players so far. If you’ve contributed already, thanks. If you haven’t, head on over and do that thing: Relief Pitchers Starting Pitchers Outfielders Catchers and Infielders I’ll leave these open till Friday, tally everything up over the weekend, and [...]
Me, Elsewhere: Padres Preview at BDD
Our good friends at Baseball Daily Digest have allowed me to grace their virtual pages with this year’s preview of the Padres. Much of this is review material for regular Ducksnorts readers, but I like to think you’ll enjoy it anyway. From the article: This is going to be a learning season. The young players [...]
Giles Retires
Former Padres outfielder Brian Giles announced his retirement Thursday. I’ve had plenty to say about Giles over the years, most of it good. I’ll defend the trade that brought him home to San Diego for as long as anyone will listen. And I’ll always appreciate him for carrying the club on his back in 2005, [...]
The Game, It Was on the TV
I watched a few innings of the Padres split-squad game against Cleveland on TV Wednesday night. It was 1-1 in the second when I turned it on, 10-2 in the sixth when I turned it off to pick up Mrs. Ducksnorts from the airport. Some observations: For whatever reason, the Indians feed was being broadcast [...]
Me, Elsewhere: Second-Year Players
My latest article at Hardball Times focuses on eight guys who made their big-league debuts in 2009 more or less as full-time players. Padres shortstop Everth Cabrera is among them. We’ve compared Cabrera to Rafael Furcal before, as has everyone else. While digging, I found a few more names worth pondering: Player Year Pos PA [...]
Friday Links (5 Mar 10)
Friday. Links. Friday Links. Get it? Three thoughts (Inside the Padres). Quoth Grady Fuson, as related by Tom Krasovic: “I told Will Venable: ‘You’re going to end up being a better big leaguer than you were a minor leaguer. I hardly every say that (about a player), but I believe it. I do.” Yeah, I’ve [...]
IVIE 2010: Second Call for Projections
Speaking of projections, we’re in the process of assembling the Ducksnorts community IVIE projections. If you’ve entered your guesses already, thanks; if not, go for it: Relief Pitchers Starting Pitchers Outfielders Catchers and Infielders I’ve listed relievers first because they’re not getting much love (except from Fangraphs). Fix that for me, would you?
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