Smells Like…Baseball

For reasons I don’t entirely comprehend, my wife actually reads this site on a regular basis, so in the interest of self-preservation and because she just all-around kicks ass (guyspeak for "I wuv u"): Happy Birthday, babe!

Okay, baseball. So we made it out to the Aztec alumni game Friday night. Didn’t get there till the third inning, but there was no score so no big deal. I didn’t recognize too many of the guys on the alumni squad: Brandon Rogers and Jim Rushford were probably the biggest names out on the field. Rogers, a catcher by trade, played an inning or two at third and was talking it up big time.

Actually, everyone was talking. The whole affair felt more like a beer-league softball game than a college baseball game. The scoreboard wasn’t working, guys in the dugout were yelling at guys on the field and laughing. A whole group of college kids who knew one of the Aztec reserves sat next to us. Every inning he’d trot out toward the bullpen area to warm up the left fielder and these kids would go nuts. (It was even worse when he got into the game.)

SDSU Alumni Game 2004
Note the blank scoreboard at upper left.

The game was sloppy and at times a little goofy. But it was baseball. Finally around the eighth inning, with the game well in hand (current Aztecs up, 6-1), hunger set in and we went to L & L for killer Hawaiian barbecue.

I don’t know how the game ended, and I don’t particularly care. I just know that baseball is back and life is good again.

And on the Other Side of Town…

USD also played its first game, Sunday afternoon against CETYS [site is in Spanish]. As you can see, it was a beautiful day for a ballgame:

Cunningham Stadium

As you can also see, it was not a beautiful ballgame:

Geoff's cue to leave

If you can’t make that out, it’s 15-1 with two out in the bottom of the fifth. The visiting team has three hits and five errors. Time to leave.

Other News

I don’t get to visit other baseball blogs nearly as often as I’d like these days, but at least once a month I try to check in on everyone in my list of Hot Links there on the right just to make sure they’re still around and publishing interesting stuff. I did that the other day and stumbled across some gems, which I now pass along to you:

General Silliness

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