New Gig

Okay, the other day I mentioned that I’d accepted a new writing gig. Today I’m happy to announce that I have officially started blogging at Knuckle Curve.

This is exciting to me on many levels. First, over the years, Ducksnorts has evolved from a general baseball blog to one that is (proudly) focused on the San Diego Padres. I’m thrilled with what we’ve been able to accomplish here in terms of great conversation and community. At the same time, there’s a lot going on in baseball that I can’t cover in as much detail as I might like, so writing at Knuckle Curve will give me the opportunity to work a different set of creative muscles.

The other main reason I’m psyched about Knuckle Curve is that it’s part of the b5media network, which is home to many of my blogging heroes — Darren Barefoot, Darren Rowse, Duncan Riley, Jeremy Wright, to name a few. It’s actually a rather overwhelming list, and I’m beyond humbled to be a part of the network. Basically it’s a dream gig.

So. How will this affect Ducksnorts? Well, as I noted earlier, it won’t. I’ll still be here pretty much all the time, talking Padres with y’all. Because, you know, that’s what we do around these parts. The only potential impact I see is that we might end up getting some stragglers over here from over there, which means more potential converts. :-)

Oh (as Columbo would say), there is one other thing. I will be actively promoting Knuckle Curve here at Ducksnorts. It’ll probably be fairly aggressive at first, perhaps as simple as just giving you the heads-up on my latest post over there. You’re always welcome to stop on by and check it out/join in the conversation, but never obligated. And if you have friends who like baseball but who aren’t Padres fans (what’s their problem, anyway?), I’d appreciate it if you could help send a little love Knuckle Curve’s way.

Swing by and say hey when you have a moment. Then come back here for the IGD at 3 p.m. As always, thanks for your attention. Now let’s get back to the business of beating the Reds, shall we?

4 Responses »

  1. Love the Columbo ref … good luck with Knuckle Curve!

  2. Congrtulations Geoff, you have a very smooth way to get your point across with insightful, meaningful thoughts regarding baseball.

  3. GY: congrats on the new job and good luck!

  4. OT … TGwynn’s back in the Milw lineup!