Short Attention Span

Not a real inspiring start to the second half, eh? Brian Lawrence plunks three batters, and the Pads just can’t anything going against Javier Vazquez. On the bright side, X played. So did X. Unfortunately, I didn’t stick around downtown long enough to see either of them in action. Nady entered the game in the eighth inning as a defensive replacement with the Padres down, 6-0. I have no explanation, I’m just telling you what happened.

Perhaps Nady was still winded from trotting around the bases after swatting a home run in the Pads’ last game before the All-Star break. It was at altitude, and Nady is 26 years old now, so his recovery rate may not be what it once was. We can only hope that tomorrow, after five full days have passed, he is ready to go for more than two innings. But I shouldn’t just pick on Nady. After all, Dennys Reyes only went two innings Thursday night. Then again, he hasn’t hit 11 homers this year, so there you go.

On another note, if you’re ever looking for seats at Petco, don’t get them in the first row of the 300 level. You’ll end up with a lovely view of a not-so-lovely rail. And everybody gets in your way, and if those are your mini-plan tickets, you become a bitter jackass and try to pick fights with kids half your age because they’re talking on a cell phone to someone in another part of the stadium. Or because you’re a bitter jackass.

Javier Vazquez delivers a pitch to Khalil Greene

Khalil Greene takes a swing

Finally, Mark Loretta and Phil Nevin are due to rejoin the team Tuesday in New York. Loretta will play a few games over the weekend with the Portland Beavers before coming off the DL. As for Nevin, I guess his return means we’ll get to see even less of Nady.

Oh well, at least there’s still a killer view of Coronado from Petco. I’m sorry, could you repeat the question?

View of Coronado from Petco Park

3 Responses »

  1. Geoff, Nady probably didn’t start last night over Fick because Fick had very good career numbers against Vasquez.

    That same analysis could be turned against both Klesko and Giles, who have bad numbers against Javy, but do you honestly expect Bochy to sit one of them against a very good right hander in favor of Nady?

  2. Thanks for the info on Fick vs Vazquez. I didn’t get around the looking at head-to-head matchups for the game (too busy waxing pathetic about SD weather) and missed that. Anyway, don’t mind me. I just get real cranky when Nady isn’t in the lineup. ;-)

  3. No problem. Better get your anti-cranky medication ready when Nevin gets off the DL, unless a big trade is made, of course. :)