Recovering from Thanksgiving

We did some work over the holiday weekend, adding an Add to My Yahoo button on the left as well as a “Comments/Trackback” feature courtesy of HaloScan. The latter was on the to-do list I gave myself a couple weeks ago (note: theme song is coming next week). Also added two blogs to Hot Links:

One other change in Hot Links is to the URL for Twins Geek. John Bonnes, whom I’ve had the pleasure of meeting on one of his visits to San Diego, hooked up with the Minneapolis Star-Tribune this past season. Apparently that relationship has ended. Kudos to John for attempting to bridge the gap between bloggers and the mainstream media.

Pioneers don’t always get the glory, but they do pave the way for others. The fact that John’s efforts irked some in the newspaper community is a good sign. It means they take him and his work seriously. Eventually the mainstream media will realize that blogs are meant to supplement, not supplant, their product and a workable model will be found. Until then, we’ll all just have to thank John for being the first one out there and for handling the situation with grace and dignity.

Here’s more coverage on John’s adventure in medialand:

When blogs return to the world of mainstream media (and they will), remember the pioneers who made it possible.

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