Tres Belles: The Sound of Sweeping

Maybe extending a pun across three languages isn’t the best idea, but these are the Expos and this was the third straight night Trevor Hoffman came in to close out the game, so what the heck. Let’s get a little crazy.

The Padres completed a four-game sweep of MLB’s problem child, the Montreal/San Juan Expos. MLB’s despicable treatment of the franchise notwithstanding, the Expos came in and battled for four straight nights. But each time they fell just shy of victory. Despite MLB’s best efforts, there is some talent on this club, especially in the pitching department. With even a few resources at their disposal (a home, some spending money), the Expos might not be that far from respectability. As it stands, they have to settle for merely being more respectable than the folks who would deny them such resources.

But I digress. As long as the Expos remain in the league and wield bats, they are a threat on any given night. And for a team without much hope, they sure played with a lot of fight this week. I feel horrible for the people of Montreal and for the players who have to work under those conditions. But if the guys who take the field feel any self-pity, they sure don’t show it. They get out there and play hard. They do what they can given their severe limitations. It’s a little sad to watch, but it’s also inspirational.

We often like to reduce professional athletes to the money they make. I’ve never been in their position, but it’s not hard to imagine that a great many of them take pride in the work they do. It must be difficult to take pride in one’s work when management isn’t providing any support and when the results are so consistently poor. But the Expos I saw this week were out there busting tail. They cannot realistically be expected to compete with what they’ve got but don’t tell them that. And don’t ask them to stop trying just because nobody seems to give a damn about ‘em.

I’m not sure how I got to this point, and I’m even less sure how to advance beyond it. My intention was to talk about the Padres, and I certainly am ecstatic about their winning four straight at home. But I’m pretty irritated at MLB for basically ruining the Expos. And if I had any sense, I’d change the title of this entry to reflect its content.

But I’m not going to, because I like my pun. Even if nobody else gets it (or does and thinks it isn’t particularly clever), I’m sticking with that title. You know why? Because I like it and because the Pads just swept a four-game series. And that is tres belles in any language.

Mets in town tonight. Brian Lawrence vs Tyler Yates. Blah, blah time; blah, blah channel. Go get ‘em, boys..

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