Junk Drawer

Very little time, so just links to stuff today. Enjoy!



  • The Tyranny of Copyright? (NY Times). I’ve spent much of my professional career working in academic publishing. I’ve also done my share of self-publishing, writing, and generally putting together various creative works. The issue of copyright is often misunderstood, especially in this world of constantly evolving media. Finding the proper balance between granting an author control over his work and allowing ideas to flow freely among people is a never-ending battle that tends to generate more heat than light. I don’t know the answers, but I do know that anyone who produces, consumes, or otherwise is involved in information really should make an honest effort to learn as much about copyright as possible. This article leans a little more in favor of the consumer side than suits me (the somewhat condescending phrase "romantic myth of ‘the author’" rubs me the wrong way), but it’s possible that my assumptions about the nature of creation and authorship, and the relationship between producer and consumer, need adjusting. Either way, some good points are raised.
  • Mauritania’s ‘wife-fattening’ farm (BBC). We really do live on a weird planet.

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