Road Trip, Day Four: Behind the Scenes

We didn’t win Powerball, so I guess we’ll have to go back to work when we get home. Meantime, we went on a behind-the-scenes tour of the theaters in town. Learned a little about costume and set design, lighting techniques, and other various aspects of putting on a play. Tough gig performing and producing theater. Those folks bust their tails off for the love of the theater and very little money. Kinda like minor-league ballplayers.

Tooled around town after the tour, then caught a musical about actors and the theater called Enter the Guardsman in the evening. I’m not real crazy about musicals — mostly it’s the songs I don’t care for; this one was a light, post-modern comedy that had its moments and which I probably would have really liked had I more affection for the genre. The performances were excellent, though, and enough to hold my interest for most of the evening.

Today it’s off to Fresno for a Grizzlies game. But, first, more pix:

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